魏思源 讲师
作者:物流管理与工程学院 时间:2022-11-15 点击数:

1. Siyuan Wei, Vatcharapol Sukhotu. Framework for building a competitive advantage from China-Laos railway for Thailand exports to China, Academy of Strategic Management Journal(2021/12, Volume: 20).
2. Siyuan Wei, Vatcharapol Sukhotu. The effect of the China-Laos Railway on Thailand’s trade to China, Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (2022/04, Volume: 25).
3. Siyuan Wei, Vatcharapol Sukhotu . Trade promotion from Thailand to China as a Result for new Train Route, Journal of Business and Economics Review (2021/06, Volume :6).
4. Siyuan Wei, Vatcharapol Sukhotu . The study of decision factors in selection of Thai rice export transportation route from Bangkok for Kunming. Thai Value Chain Management and Logistics
1. 主要参与人,A study to develop a strategic plan for supporting Laos-China Railway construction project(Boten-Vientiane),泰国基金研究会,45W,已结题。
2. 主要参与人,A study on the logistics and multimodal transportation systems connecting Thailand and member countries under the “Belt and Road initiative” Strategy,泰国基金研究会,35w,在研。