岳文龙 兼职(客座)教授

作者:物流管理与工程学院 时间:2016-10-15 点击数:

男,1960年6月,研究生,博士,博士生导师。1995年澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University)毕业,获工学博士学位、博士生导师,澳大利亚南澳大学校务主任,南澳大学自然与环境建筑学院物流学科负责人,在香港、新加坡等大学任兼职教师。主要研究方向为交通设施规划及管理、物流与供应链管理。发表学术论文70多篇,指导博士生10多人。


(1)Institute of Transportation Engineers (USA): Member

(2)Committee member of State Transport Branch, Institute of Australian Engineers

(3)Board member to represent Australian National Committee on Transport Engineering (NCTE) in the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)


(1)Traffic Engineering Practice, Monash University (1989)

(2)GIS ARCVIEW 3, ESRI Adelaide (1997)

(3)Accredited Road Safety Auditor, Transport SA (1999)

(4)Supply Chain Operations Reference Model V.6.0 (2003)


1994Review and evaluation of the Central Car Park for General Motor-Holden, Elizabeth, Adelaide (chief investigator, $5,000)

1995Car Park Signage Review for the University of South Australia (chief investigator, $5,000)

1996Evaluation of the Relationships between Noise and Emissions and Level of Congestion for Australian Road Research Board Road Safety Research Project - Hazardous Poles for the Department of Transport, South Australia

1999Expert adviser for Thailand and Australian Science and Engineering Assistance Project to develop Master’s Programs in Transport Systems Engineering for Thai Universities (major role, $12,000)

2000Traffic Engineering Course development for Transport SA

2001Evaluation of on-street parking at Mawson Lakes Campus, University of South Australia (chief investigator, $3,000)

2002Parking management plan and traffic impact studies for the East Province of Saudi Arabia (chief investigator, $28,000)

2004Logistics research: Theory and Practice for DSTO, Australia (chief investigator, $24,000)

2008Environment, social economic and traffic impact assessment for the Ella Bay Resort development project for the Queensland Section, Environment Assessment Branch, Approvals & Wildlife Division, Dept of Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts (chief investigator, $48,000)

2014Indonesia Infrastructure Initiative ($10,000 for stage 1, expect $100,000 for stage 2)

版权所有©南宁师范大学物流管理与工程学院  学校地址:南宁市武鸣区新宁路508号  邮编:530100  联系电话:0771-6213330(办公室)、0771-6213321(学工办)电子邮件:wuliu@gxtc.edu.cn  备案号:桂ICP备05000947号